All Apples Are Bastards
All Apples Are Bastards
That ain’t gonna do a thing. Towing companies enjoy being hated. Long as the cash keeps rolling in.
Jesus, that’s not a bad price on the Hybrid AWD Supercrew Maverick, even if it is a markup
There’s the car, and there’s the grille. The sheet metal is understatedly handsome. The grille is iconic. Put them together and it’s a parody of itself, like sticking one of those fake Rolls grilles on a Beetle. As for this one, it’s much, much farther down the depreciation curve than the seller wants to admit.
Looks like an old cop car, not an active one.
As black people we have never been given that option. Especially not in the "good old days".
He said reliable.
Work trucks are an excellent use case, because the aero doesn’t matter at the speeds they will spend most of their time at, the distances are generally ideal, and they will almost always have somewhere they can charge at night.
We’re doing politics wrong. Anyone who actually wants to be a politician, should probably be banned from being a politician. They’re all a bunch of egomaniacal shitheads.
It unfortunately does not translate that way.
However, ‘michi gan’ does actually... ACTUALLY... translate to “road cancer” according to google translate.
Correction: K-Car (as in the Mopar chassis) and not Kei-car (as in the Japanese size and engine regulation)
Seriously - imagine being so unsympathetic that a towing company so instantly recognizes and does the right thing.
Worst. Halloween. Ever.
This seems simple..
*Trump has entered chat*
So we are about three weeks from reading a headline about a homeowner who was “coal-rolling” with his lawn tractor and shot his complaining neighbor with an AR.
Invite them to a “beer & bikes” picnic or some other sort of event at the dealership and then repo the bikes there.
I’d have to imagine a bike is harder to repo. It is far more likely to be hidden away in a garage. Especially someone’s Harley that they probably value more than most people in their lives.
I have driven on Michigan roads. I don’t believe for a second anyone is hauling significant quantities of asphalt!