A g-g-g-ghost!

I disagree with a lot of this but appreciate the thought and effort you put into it.

"Rising atmospheric CO2 benefits all life on Earth by improving plant growth and crop yields, making food more abundant and affordable, helping the poor most of all."

By that logic, the planet Venus should be a lush jungle environment.

Amendment XXVIII to the US Constitution:

No love for the Horta?? She was ready to die to defend her eggs! She's the toughest shuffling pizza in space!

You'll Never Guess What Simple Wasp Trick Will Let You Live Rent Free!

Is there any truth to the rumor I just made up that Episode VII is a Star Trek: The Next Generation crossover? (Luke's hand, lightsaber fall into wormhole, create subspace anomaly threatening delicate Picard-brokered Klingon-tribble peace talks, etc.)

Hoch jaghpu'Daj HoHbogh SuvwI' yIvup

looks like a reimagined design, and a very nice one at that.

Today is a good day to glue.


Bah! The soft crafts materials of the Federation. Klingons model their ships of the bone, leather, and pigment-infused tears of their enemies!

Can't forget the original in this genre.

Karl Urban and Dead Tribble are two detectives that don't always see eye to eye, but always keep an eye out...for justice. From executive producer JJ Abrams, "The Fuzz". This Fall on Fox.


I will say it until the day I no longer can, Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a criminally underrated film that is both beautiful and cerebral in a way you just can't do in modern cinema. And of all the films, it is the most Star Trek.

This is basically the best Superman movie ever, now. For a 2 minute video that's about 90% flying around, they managed to get Superman totally right: the costume is perfect, his mannerisms, his brief dialogue is all about caring for people, the fact that (almost) everyone else knows and loves Superman, the fact that

More like taken giant steps backwards. I'll gladly take any trailer from the 70's and 80's over the generic crap we get today.