A g-g-g-ghost!

Fill it with oil and America's on board!

Kraven took him down with a conventional rifle and buried him alive. Osborne could have killed him any number of times but gave in to monologuing. Morlun beat him to death. Octavius ... well, I guess it's canon ... ugh. Actually, 616 Peter once died in an explosion, fought Thanos in the afterlife (and lost), and then

Is there any truth to the rumor I just made up that Episode VII is a Star Trek: The Next Generation crossover? (Luke's hand, lightsaber fall into wormhole, create subspace anomaly threatening delicate Picard-brokered Klingon-tribble peace talks, etc.)

On the sixth word, life stopped.

Bah! The soft crafts materials of the Federation. Klingons model their ships of the bone, leather, and pigment-infused tears of their enemies!

All I know is playing Arkham Asylum on PS4 through VHS is pure suck. What is Blue Ray?

Curriculum doesn't encourage X, man.

Rhino's pissed because now all he has is a shoddy bomb casing full of used pinball machine parts. [Run for it, Marty! It's the rhinoceroses!]

Entirely possible Norman faked his death so he can give himself fully — and untraceably — to being the Green Goblin. Harry's path becomes much more complicated when he learns the truth.

We can cross the event horizon, but first I'll have to re-route the main deflector array through our warp core tachyon/baryon field inverter. It'll take some doing, and I'll have to take the holodeck safeties offline, but yeah, this should work.

I want to see a "Star Trek" series set in New York City five years before the events of the classic episode City on the Edge of Forever. A whole new cast of characters, all human, none of whom has ever even heard of Klingons, dilithium crystals, or the Borg. We could follow Edith Keeler as she establishes a

It's true; I remember very few of my tank-mates.

That's how you do Superman...