Curious, but is the new 3 the old 5? Or is it still in that uncomfortable middle ground that the first CTS was in? If one liked the old E34/E60 5, would you recommend the current 3?
Curious, but is the new 3 the old 5? Or is it still in that uncomfortable middle ground that the first CTS was in? If one liked the old E34/E60 5, would you recommend the current 3?
OTOH, the Hawk replica is far, far cheaper.
Yes, for showrooming. It’s nice to actually see the item before you order one online. :D
Yes, for showrooming. It’s nice to actually see the item before you order one online. :D
I dated a woman for over a month, and we only made out once. It was like we missed the moment to have a conversation about what we were pursuing: sex, a relationship, a sex friend who would feed my cats when I went on vacation. And so it kind of just drifted away.
As a single dude, that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do: live cheap by yourself, and spend money with dates & friends. Totally worth it.
You can be with a new person every night, and twice on weekends ...
Dining with company *is* preferable, but nothing wrong with eating solo as opposed to fast food.
Indeed. If OP wants some real advice, OP should ask Red Pill on how to be a less Beta cuck.
She’s also an unfaithful whore...
Dude should “phone a friend”.
Can OP start seeing prostitutes?
“white people”, huh?
Cops make a fuckton doing off-duty security work. Guess who she hired...
The difference is that California wants her to pay taxes. That’s a lot of revenue to tax.
LOL, Star Wars dialogue.
“I don’t like sand...”
Santa just needs ONE GIANT steel crowbar hitting Godzilla at Mach 20 or so...
Santa is fast AF. Not like NFL fast. Not like MLB fastball fast. Like hypersonic NASA experimental rocket fast. And he can carry some ridiculously large and heavy objects in his sled via his magic bag.