
“These red berries are strawberries, and see how tasty they are? Yum. Also, these red fruits are apples. Also very tasty, right? And these buttoncap mushrooms are also good.  OK, now go out into the wild.”

Hell, even adults fuck up with the mushrooms.

While it’s great that they’re doing a genderflip remake, I kinda think it’s maybe better to do their own thing?

But then Ocean’s is a remake, so there’s that.

It was specifically designed not to be especially complicated - that is, it was designed as something that could be maintained for decades.

Except for the fact that there are non-electric things that go wrong.

To be fair, the Sansa Clip was cheaper, smaller, lighter, better-sounding, and easier to dump MP3s into.

Not really. Talk to PETA, and they’re very clear that (wild) animals are better than any people.

the dude’s sitting there smiling and unapologetic as fuck.

Why doesn’t the city or state simply garnish wages? Wouldn’t that solve the problem? People would still be working and driving, and the city and state would get their money. Problem solved!

Of course, they can also just tow the car. City rates are typically $200 for the hookup and $100 per day. If the owner can’t pay

If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.

Heathen. “Dino.”

Better looking than the real thing!

Please. Just install that cone filter, and it’s +50 hp right there.

I’m almost certain that 2018-tech tires can go 300 mph for a single timed run, given that Callaway got street tires to 254 mph back in 1987.

Given that some flavor of this will wear a Cadillac badge, doesn’t that answer your question?

Sorry, but now you’re making stuff up. Everybody knows that it’s supposed to be a fatted goose for Christmas, as Dickens described. It’s not all boiled grey vegetables.

Looking at that, I think I’d rather just get the Buick Legacy GT wagon:

Exactly so. Euro NCAP is trying really hard to find a way to ding Chinese imports. It’s precisely why they originally tested the Brilliance against an all-new test series that they knew it’d have no chance of passing.

Avoid the pole? Always sound advice!

What about a 10" tree trunk? Is that OK?

The Prius is a “pure” EV? Really? Since when?

If Toyota is starting now, and intends to produce a Leaf-like 1st gen EV, they’ll be going against a 3rd gen EV like the next-gen Bolt. Even with superior battery tech from Panasonic, there’s still a lot of work to be done with battery protection, regen, power curves, etc.