my name is jonas

Damn, you beat me to it.

Agreed. If saving $100-200 on the hardware matters that much, you probably can't afford a smartphone plan. All the free smartphones are a bad deal.

You're going to be paying over $2k over the next 2 years for it. It's subsidized, not free. All in your only saving 5-10% for a much crappier device that is probably about to see its last real update.

Seeing as to how cheap this is, I'm sure many developers will pick this up just to hack it to bits. Once it actually comes out and is in the hands of some devs we'll find out how locked down the device is.

Seeing as the Kindle Fire runs Android 2.3, I wouldn't be surprised if someone manages to rip out and modify the app to work on other android devices. But yeah, I imagine official support will be exclusive to the Kindle.

I really don't understand the point of this. Is this supposed to make consumers feel better about paying more because now it seems more like they are getting 2 distinct services?

This is just another sign that real professional journalism is almost dead. How can you objectively report about something you're directly invested in?

Sacha Baron Cohen is actually set to play Freddie in a Queen movie that is currently in production.

The source article never makes any mention of what patent '263 "realtime api" is or how either Apple or Android use it.

It looks like a bigger sleeker GSII which was designed many months ago.

The video actually says you let passengers with children board first even though this part will take the longest. The real problem is like you said people wont want to split up even if its only for a short while. Couples will complain about boarding separately. Not to mention people will be too dumb to realize when

The problems doesn't originate from the Republican party, it's our brilliant citizens. Republicans are just appealing to the beliefs of our dimwitted god fearing countrymen. On top of that, they've found it's much easier to appeal to people about religious non-sense than actually win them over on real issues.

The BGR post is a rumor. The Nexus Prime by Samsung has been in the rumor mill for a while, and lately the rumor is that it's coming to Verizon. Now we hear a rumor that Verizon will have an exclusive on the Droid Prime. Is it really a surprise that Verizon might rebrand it Droid.

This is all rumor right now, so I don't see how you can definitively say this is or isn't the next Nexus phone.

mmm, popplers

This just in: more people like popular things than obscure things.

This is incorrect. The only patent Samsung was found to violate was the swiping between pictures in the gallery one, which is easily remedied with an altered gallery app. In fact the judge invalidated slide to unlock patent. Some could even view this as a win for Samsung because the judge ruled that they did not

I ordered one early this morning from B&N. I already have an iPad2 but for $100 I just couldn't resist. I'll probably end up giving it to my parents or something because even with no future support its still a great browsing and email device.

HP has clearly lost all vision and patience. I can't believe they have already abandoned WebOS.

This is a techno tragedy. It shows that successful technology is way more than actually developing a solid technical product. Palm totally botched the release of the Pre and had some truly awful marketing and HP took so long to do anything it was already too late.