my name is jonas

$150 gift certificate? Is that some kind of joke?

“Time is a fixed constant”

Freedom of speech does not guarantee freedom of consequence. Schiling’s 1st amendment rights were in no way limited, he just has to deal with the consequences like anyone else.

Those 5 days aren't free, they are just give their customers back what they already paid for and weren't able to use for those 5 days. This is a given. The only freebie is the 10% off coupon.

If you actually like beer do yourself a favor and drink it out of a glass. Bottles suppress the aroma of beer and your sense of smell plays a large role in what you taste. Then do yourself another favor and don't drink miller lite.

If he was embarrassed by having an online only girlfriend why did he make such a large public spectacle of it? He could have just kept their "relationship" private.

Yeah, our detection techniques are still somewhat rudimentary. Most extra-solar planets identified are gas giants for the similar reason that they are easier for us to detect. Astronomers are really just getting started in this field.

The goldilocks zone really just refers to a range from a star in which temperatures would allow liquid water to continually exist given the correct atmospheric pressure. It's a zone around a star that is not too hot and not too cold. Many other factors will come into play as to whether or not there is liquid water

It's also worth noting the impact NASA has on inspiring and creating new scientists. Putting humans on Mars would easily be the biggest news story since putting humans on the moon and would inspire hordes of elementary school kids to study science. The result is a generation of scientists and engineers who will

The golden age of hip hop. They don't do it like this anymore.

It's all cool, iphones make your car fly.

Thanks for catching this. $300k seemed like way too little for Google's total attorney fees.

As others have said this test is pretty meaningless. 3 drops is way too small a sample size and the angle they hit at obviously makes a huge difference.

This whole deal wreaks of desperation of fb's part.

This isn't even a first gen product, it is a prototype.

This is what the prototype model looks like. It's feasible after a few generations they will be able to be seamlessly fitted onto any kind of glasses you'd like.

Google said there may be a version that fits over normal glasses

As a time warner cable customer in NYC I get emails from MSG letting me know where the official Knicks viewing party will be since I can't watch at home. It's generally at some sports bar.

Not to mention free wifi tether. Just don't abuse it because the carrier could catch you.