my name is jonas

LTE+Netflix+Pandora>2GB a month

I agree. If your paying for x GB of data, it shouldn't matter if you use it on the phone or tethered to a laptop. Data is data and tethering should be free.

This is probably also the reason all of their recent phones have been crap. They're waiting until tiered data is in effect before you can grab a Bionic or SGS2. Not to mention in the last few months Verizon has also done away with early upgrades and 1 year contracts.

Except that its not. Almost all the hardware is different. This isn't a phone review, just a statement that they don't like the 3d features of this phone.

I went ahead and got my ipad 2's UDID registered by a dev on ebay for $2 to try out iOS5 and it was definitely worth it. It runs very well for a beta and I've had very few compatibility issues with apps. The multitasking gestures are real nice too, I barely use the home button anymore.

It is 4 times as many pixels for the processor and gpu to render. So if you want the same graphical smoothness as the current ipad, you're gonna need some beefy hardware inside which could effect battery life. Additionally, the resolution on all images in apps and such is gonna need to be increased to look sharp

Elop, we all know whats inside your WP7 box.

I'd imagine that many of the content providers let Apple know one way or another that giving up 30% of their revenue at their lowest available price would make providing content on iOS unprofitable. Apple seems pretty focused on growing their platform as a one stop shop for all content needs and locking in their user

Blu-Ray Player?

I assume this wont work on an ipad?

It's going to take some serious horsepower to push all those pixels smoothly. Forget Kal-El, we're going to need Jor-El.

The LG Revolution does not have a dual core snaprdragon. It's the same one as the Thunderbolt.

Well I don't come anywhere near 30 minutes a day, but I wonder of any potential consequences to keeping it in my pocket all day.

You only really need to do the major development work the first time. Porting over future magazines should then become a much easier process.

I can understand the argument that it is currently not cost effective to make electronic magazines, but the notion that it will take decades for the format to change is ridiculous. From gen 1 to 2 alone the ipad shed about 1/3 of its size. 10 years ago the tech we have today would have seemed quite mind blowing.

How is it that B&O still exists? As far as I can tell, the only reason to buy anything they make is so you can claim you spent a lot of money. Their devices still have that late 80's early 90's futuristic look, and it seems like they never got the memo that nobody uses CDs anymore.

Do you use a computer, phone, car, or any technology. I'm pretty sure those are the results of countless scientific principles and research. Unless I forgot about the day god created the iphone.

Really, 100 years ago most people didn't think that as an allegory and many still don't. The bible was written in a different era by men who comparatively had little knowledge of our universe, so they used their imagination to fill in the gaps.

It never says any of that, your simply trying to interpret it to cover up the fact that the creation story is complete fiction. It is a story developed by men who lived in the bronze age to try and explain their world. At the time, it was the best they could do. We now know much much more and accordingly should

For most of human history I would agree with you, but education has almost entirely replaced any need for religion. At this point, I feel strongly that human ideas of morality and justice are independent of religion.