my name is jonas

I can confidently say that Wikipedia is much more accurate than the Bible. It is at least open to revision.

They are very closely related. The search for truth. Many of history's great philosophers were mathematicians and scientists. Additionally, every human should be a philosopher in some respect. If you can think, you can question and try to understand your reality.

What do you mean "aeons?" According to the bible the earth is only about 6500 years old.

I'm not sure why you believe Hawkings' PR person is pushing this one liner because Gizmodo grabbed a hold of one thing he said it and posted it.

The people behind AIM must really be kicking themselves for not growing it into facebook/twitter. It was already doing some of those things in a basic way and was ubiquitous. I almost always had a buddy window docked to the right of my desktop. Remember all the crazy AIM guy variants of buddy icons.

It is a newer generation snapdragon so the proc and gpu are a decent upgrade, although it is still clearly behind the upcoming HTC releases on other carriers (Sensation, Evo3D).

I mean that the primary religious ideologies were created by men who lived up to almost 6,000 years ago. To think that the significant advances in mankind's ability to comprehend and explain the universe (especially the last 400 years or so) should not impact these ideas seems rather silly.

He's just pissed that science has provided us a much more complete, versatile, and useful way to explain our reality than the archaic fairy tales that empower him. Sorry, but things have changed since the bronze age and it makes sense to reevaluate our idealogical beliefs in light of a significantly greater

That's what steroids and Tommy John are for.

I wanna see CC's belly jiggle at 1000fps.

Yeah, this is what makes this so shady. How could you forget something like that? Ceglia was involved in several tech entrepreneurial ventures, so he must have been wise to facebook and Zuckerberg's success early on. How do you forget you own half that company?

Keep on squirting!

Nasty Nate!

On top of that, actually purchasing an album from Amazon bumps you to 20gb of storage.

"To make our schedule to ship the tablet, we made some design tradeoffs," says Andy Rubin, vice-president for engineering at Google and head of its Android group. "We didn’t want to think about what it would take for the same software to run on phones. It would have required a lot of additional resources and extended

What rule did he break? The US Supreme court has already ruled it is perfectly legal to jailbreak a device you own. Sony has filed a civil suit because their panties are in a bunch.

While I'm sure he could do great work for Sony, their motivation seems to be to intimidate the entire dev community from messing with their hardware. There is always going to be another hacker out there, but now they may be scared off by the potential of an endless civil case from Sony. It's quite sad and I hope the

GeoHot isn't being brought up on criminal charges because as you stated he did nothing illegal. Sony is filing a civil suit against him which amounts to nothing more than an intimidation tactic. It's really quite pathetic. A 21 year old hacker singlehandedly cracks your system, which is totally legal, and you flip

The Thunderbolt was the most locked down HTC phone ever, even though it was totally unlokced in only a few days, so most likely yes. Hopefully it isn't more locked down as HTC phones have generally had amazing dev support (cyanogen mod).

6800 mAh which last up to 10 hours of heavy use, so they say.