my name is jonas

I was off from work this past Friday and decided to try my luck at getting an ipad at the apple store in soho (nyc) that morning and this is pretty much spot on. There were about 50 people, almost all Chinese, waiting in line for the store to open. I wandered around to the side of the store and managed to gather

At least wine tasting is nuanced and wine itself has tons of history and info to learn about. I can't imagine it taking more than one class to master using a cell phone camera. This is basically a class for stoners to waste their parents' money.

I have a Samsung Fascinate (Galaxy S) with a super AMOLED screen so I'm probably kinda spoiled especially when it comes to contrast and black levels. You're probably right, though. On it's own the screen looks fine, but anytime I'd look at my phone then back at the Xoom it would look like crap.

It's still too early to tell how well the nook color will run honeycomb. The current honeycomb roms are based on the SDK. When Google releases the full source for honeycomb developers will be able to make much better roms. In the next 6 months there will be a lot of comparable honeycomb tablets available.

This is a much more reasonable option than the $800 one ($200 more for an extra radio, are you serious?) I actually owned a Xoom for a week and returned it. Yes, honeycomb is a bit buggy, but that stuff will get sorted quickly directly by google as this is basically a nexus version of the tablet. My biggest issue

Nice use of effects, buy clearly fake. The explanation on the blog of how this works is basically non-existent.

The really messed up part is that they were manufactured in China to begin with, but not available to buy there.

It is a tablet OS, not a giant phone OS. Are you complaining about the size of the icons? They look about the same as the ipad.

"the Android Honeycomb OS feels like an old timey desktop OS"

Plus 30% of all revenue....

The problem is no one really needs a tablet. It is a "want" type of product.

An OS actually designed for tablets would be nice.

Studios rarely green light anything that isn't a sequel or a comic book movie these days. Any original idea is viewed as potentially risky and unprofitable. This is pathetic and a big reason why I rarely go to the movies anymore. Speak with your wallet people, and stop paying to see this recycled garbage.

Why do you think Arcade Fire won that grammy? Big budget pop stars aren't that profitable anymore for record companies. Popular indie bands that tour their faces off are much cheaper and more profitable now. I look forward to the days when less of pop culture is aimed at pleasing 14 year old girls. Puberty will

I think Watson's biggest advantage was having quicker reaction time and being able to buzz in faster. If each contestant had a chance to every question, I'm not sure Watson would have won.

This looks marginally better than a rooted nook color except that the nook is most likely much cheaper and will see a fully functional honeycomb port much sooner.

Sounds more like a border jumping illegal alien. Better stay out of Arizona.

The Oort cloud is so big who knows what else we may find out there as we find better ways to detect these objects. This thing is so massive it may be the failed star 'Nemesis' some have theorized in the past as single star systems are on the rare side in our galaxy.

I hope they bite the bullet and make some Android phones. They can differentiate by actually not skinning and releasing vanilla AOSP Android. Build the same quality hardware and promise fast OS updates which should be easier without a useless skin nobody wants anyway. They could also continue their history of