my name is jonas

It would have been nice if they just supported DLNA as there is already a lot of hardware that supports it. Of course, we know Apple generally prefers their own standards so you can only use their hardware.

Who care how many users facebook has, email is accessible to all with any kind of email address.

Everything will now cost 30% more so Apple can take its cut. Yay?

The midget is a comedic genius.

@JamesDownWell: Third party developer supports is rather important these days. Iphone and Android already have lots of devs, MS certainly has the juice to get plenty of devs onboard for WP7. Who wants to develop for MeeGo?

I thought they didn't want to build android phones because they saw lack of product differentiation (same OS as too many other phones) as an eventual problem. This issue is even worse with WP7. Android is much more customizable by the manufacturer.

@LetsTryThisAgain: Whats the deal with the universe? I've explored it a bit, analyzed it's physics and the big bang, deduced that it would only be continued cosmic expansion and retired from this plane of existence.

At least the Android is still kickin'.

@jstaphase1: The post says "UV-blocking acrylic tubes" so it should prevent skunking.

I like me some Pork Slap.

I'd like to get one in my hands for a bit, but I think 7" may be the right size. The ipad is just too big and heavy for me to feel comfortable using as a semi portable device. Those I know with ipads use them exclusively as couch surfing/gaming devices. 7" is big enough to get "the full web" (with flash) but still

I loved that the Windows 95 install disk came with the Weezer - Buddy Holly video.

@the_sly_shyster: I agree. Season 6 soured me on the show a little bit, but only because when the show was good it was really good. It's a shame the last season was possibly the weakest. I had pretty high hopes after season 5 because that season was heavy on scifi and I thought we'd get quasi theoretical scientific

The frightening thing is that these kids will grow up with the majority of their communication executed with no regard for proper spelling for grammar. Writing will become a lost art.


Check out Juice Defender. It has various settings to disable data when the phone is idle. It will turn on data for a minute every 15 minutes to poll and then shutoff. When he screen is on it will enable data. Of course you can customize it to your liking.

@Hello Mister Walrus: Excellent point, and this is where Apple may have hurt themselves the most in the long run.

@wocalax: I couldn't disagree more. You assume that all perspective employers will somehow know that her last boss was a scumbag. We don't even know that for sure, but we do know she was immature and vengeful on the way out. Badmouthing your boss via email to your entire firm is horribly unprofessional. Companies

While this is cute and shes certainly getting her 15 minutes, publicly humiliating your boss in front of your whole company is a terrible career move.

Damn those nyc lights. I'll be lucky to even see a couple stars.