Go Fuck Yourself Red State Asshole

Sources tell me that Barron’s condition is genetic and most likely caused by being the product of Donald and Ivanka’s decades long relationship.

My home state is burning right now and I fear for the safety of my friends and family. But how the fuck can you not believe in Global Warming? There are forest fires in east Tennessee in fucking November.

I made out with my young mom and started Chuck Berry’s career.

Seriously. That shit will ruin your career and exclude you from holding any kind of office.

His brother is an artist and he designed that t-shirt. He always wears that stuff so he can promote it, regardless of how ridiculous it looks.

My username is a political statement. Me wearing a shirt of Dr. King is a political statement. Why don’t people understand this?

When candidate Johnson and his team of WWE writers go the absolute lowest , that’s when America gets the president it deserves. Frankly, I look forward to Jim Ross moderating a debate that gets interrupted by Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar doing an F5 on Trump.

I’m sorry you fucked your sister and now regret doing it.

@ That_Other_Guy I was gonna hammer you but saw your edit.

He’s replacing swamp water with diarrhea. 

On November 11th, 2016 at 4:52pm, ShyWicklow crushed it like Chamberlain in his prime. We mourn for the lives lost in wake of the devastation.

Being a conservative carries an asshole bias.

When Hillary Clinton is remembered when she has passed, people need to take a long god damn look at themselves about how petty and awful they were to a public servant that began her career by defending abused children. She wasn’t perfect, but Americans are guiltier of way larger sins.

Hippies and flower children were only a fraction of the Baby Boomers. They were the vocal minority whose votes were overwhelmed by the young, white silent majority. It’s when those boomers were being shipped out to war that they started becoming non-combatants. Face it, the boomers were always selfish assholes.

This needs to be repeated a bunch of times. A large # of our fellow Americans are garbage assholes.

Good. Fuck em.

I wish people would look at Mack Brown’s last 4 recruiting class. Kenny Vaccaro and Malcolm Brown are the only two 1st rd draft picks and Texas didn’t have a single player drafted in 2014, the draft just before Strong took over. People really don’t understand that this was a massive rebuilding job.

There are way too many goddamn Neville Chamberlains in America right now. Diplomacy doesn’t work when this is your diplomat:

This has long stopped being about conservative vs liberal. I would’ve chaffed under Presidents Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, or any other generic Republican. I would’ve chaffed, but I wouldn’t worry about the future of America, the safety of brown folks, or my Muslim friends. Trumps campaign was one based on ignorance and