Go Fuck Yourself Red State Asshole

I guess I’m one of the mythical “undecided voters,” in that I am undecided as to whether I will vote at all. There are surely more undecided voters like me than of the other type, those civic-minded numbskulls who populate televised town halls and Frank Luntz focus groups because they are positive they will vote, but

So, this is kinda like a better version of AI and the Sixers? Where Thomas is more efficient, the teammates aren’t as crappy, but still who gives a shit, they ain’t winning shit?

Condoms don’t look so stupid now, do they, Rich?

Alway appropriate for trump articles

I say this as an OSU alum and diehard fan, but I fucking love Jim Harbaugh. He’s great for college football - he’s a vibrant and eccentric weirdo that it is hard to not find endearing. He’s like a mix between a psychopath and a labradoodle. And you know what? I don’t think he’s ever leaving Michigan, at least for

You’ve clearly never played CoD on console.

Poor kid buys used heavily depreciated exotic, has boner so big he has to declare it the best used exotic car value.

I’m not one to normally bitch about the #content on this site. But fuck am I tired of seeing that car.


ALSO - anytime there’s a post here on white people (did you notice that every post on white people tends to get hundreds of comments? but on shit that really matters like police brutality and whatnot, hardly anyone comments. hmmmmmmm.), I get a bunch of greys responding what a bitch I am. So, I look at their comment

It is not illegal to be disrespectful.

there was some stink in China and Japan about Zhang Ziyi in Memoirs of a Geisha 

As someone who lives in Japan, speaks Japanese, and wears Japanese clothes.... um. Japanese people honestly do not care about this. My first yukata was a gift by a boyfriend, who wanted me to wear it because it was cute. I have a $2000 furisode that is for special occasions... bought by the mother of my boyfriend for

These are people who refer to getting an education as something “elitist”.

are you referring to Japan as part of Southeast Asia ?

Racism is when someone thinks a race a beneath theirs, this was not racism. She thought a kimono was hip and didn’t take into account the cultural significance.

Did you get to keep all fifty bucks, or did you have to spend some on Officially Licensed Apparel?

Hey dickhead, remember when you didn’t vote? Maybe you should leave the politics talk to someone who did.

Hey dickhead, remember when you didn’t vote? Maybe you should leave the politics talk to someone who did.