G Funk

Unfortunately it looks like prosecutor overreach, whether through incompetence, throwing the case, or trying to win political points, it may end with an acquittal. Which clearly is a damn shame.

Hey STL,

You have:

They have been:

Baltimore is a hole.

It won’t end well for you...

You really LOVE riots, esp. in your own communities!

You’re severely outgunned and outmanned, and that’s not just by white America either.

Actually I have no strong opinion on this particular issue. On the one hand, the kids did nothing wrong. On the other, if this type of illegal immigration is not punished, it will simply continue forever, and we will be discussing this again for the foreseeable future.

Wait, isn’t the law that people come legally?

DACA could always be made permanent with legislation.

Canada loves highly educated immigrants who can pay taxes, as do most European countries.

What is more suicidal for a country than openly deciding not to enforce its immigration laws?

So now it’s racist to insist that those who immigrate to this country do so in accordance with our immigration laws?

Yes, please destroy your own city, that makes sense.

Openly attacking white people en masse will probably go very, very poorly.

lol, you will lose the war

you will lose the war

No, dear. He’s a Semite from Palestine....not black. Thanks for playing your race card though.