G Funk

Maybe we should just stop those individuals from breeding then, and dooming their children to a position where “achievement just isn’t possible”

Got any interesting links on this topic? I’m extremely bored.

How so?

If a predator develops a way to more effectively hunt prey, it is more likely to survive, breed and pass on those traits to it’s offspring. Same goes for prey in avoiding becoming dinner.

I wonder why these people’s countries are so much shittier than ours? Almost like the country mirrors the people living in it. I’m all for trying to help these countries become more like us, instead of flooding into our country to make us more like them.

Except in nature, the stronger, faster, smarter animals survive. They then pass down their superior genetics to their offspring, allowing them to thrive. Evolution is meritocracy.

I didn’t know you were an anti-Semite, Mr. Nolan? Didn’t you know Harvard was 25% Jewish? How dare you not want the children of wealthy Jews going to schools their parents went to?

Wow, mowing lawns and bussing dishes, whatever would we do without these highly skilled immigrants?

“B-b-but our scumbag corporate farms and shitty contractors need their slave-wage employees to drive down wages”

“done nothing wrong”

It’s like they don’t understand how bad things really are (for them) if white people get truly angry.

I’m saying the revolving door between the financial criminals and the government agencies to oversee them is the same as it has been for decades. “Meet the new boss same as the old boss”

Ahh yes, tell me why no one was given more than a slap on the wrist for any financial crimes during the Obama administration?

That and his understanding of the second world war boils down to “ebul nahzees killed everyone”

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

The back pocket bottle really brings it all together.

No they can’t, it’s obviously all wypipos fault.