G Funk

I’m getting flashbacks to how you said he didn’t want to be elected in the first place way back in 2016.. Wait ‘til 2020 when you’ll insist he doesn’t want to get reelected.

He must be trying to move up to the big leagues of Jezebel or Deadspin!

I know this is nothing from Blizzard, and is just Jason and his sources. I know that DLC is inevitable and all that. That said, man it really kind of leaves a sour taste in my mouth about maybe jumping back in on Destiny 2 when this kind of stuff gets discussed before the main game is even out the door.

Or they just make DLC compelling enough to buy it.

Jason, did you hear anything about whether or not the DLC will have a new raid as well? Do you expect them to? Thanks!

First, let’s say you’re doing a heck of a job Clayton. Second, I can’t get enough of these stories where someone cobbles together a Trump tweet and some sick burn replies, and a few short paragraphs of snark. Primo content.

I just want to consume media that perfectly confirms and reinforces my existing beliefs, and anything that doesn’t do that is bad.

Never trust statements on psychology and politics from an “internet culture editor” whose name is an anagram for O Coy TrumpLand

Based on this comment...It can’t be money that makes people stupid.

Have they announced loot crates yet? God i hope theres another video game crash. Fuck these ravenous swindlers. Destiny 2 isnt worth the $150 itll cost to keep it updated. Too many options. My money is worth more.

Game not even out yet.....Content you have to pay for AFTER buying it already a thing.

Cool article, it stopped me in the tracks for buying Destiny2. You can not start a hype over a DLC if the game is not released. Thats outright stupid.

I don’t remember what it was, but pretty sure there was some awesome map they were gonna put in as DLC in D1 or was originally just a part of D1, that they cut out and are now using for the sequel too. Not sure what’s going on, but my will to throw anymore money at my screen for this game is completely gone. Probably

well see you in 2 years for the complete pack then. I assumed dlc would come but if they are already ready to launch them before the game hit the shelf, bungie are gonna milk it harder than halo map packs

Talking about DLC before to game even comes out is only indicative of how insubstantial the content of the $60 base package will be.

I thought they were going to do away with paid story/content and make money off cosmetics? Alienating non-DLC holders was hurting their player base?

There better be a raid! :)

I’m not going to pay for any more of their BS. I’ll just wait for YouTube videos, and reddit lore posts. The game wasn’t fun enough to warrant the repetition the RNG required.

I like that Franklin’s narrative is about freedom, empowerment and independence. He’s trying to make a name for himself, get ahead in the world and fights for respect. He walks through the Black Panther HQ and imagines himself as some sort of revolutionary.

The chief of my fire company has forbidden cat-up-in-tree rescues, on the practical grounds a.) that putting ladders into trees is dangerous and b.) no one has ever found a cat skeleton in a tree.