G Funk

The Cup is the best.

- The evolution of the Cup design is fascinating, from the original bowl to today’s Cup.
- The fact winners can drink out of it. The NFL, NBA, and MLB trophies are all boring for that reason.
- There are 3 Cups. The original bowl, which is too fragile for use now and on display in Toronto. The

I’m hundreds of miles away. But I kind of wish I could buy a couple of tickets for these games just as a donation. And it’d be cool if they could give my tickets away for free to those that can actually attend. Win win.

It’s worth noting that the Rangers offered to host the series, with the Astros playing as the home team and receiving all the revenues from what would’ve almost certainly been sympathetic, sold out crowds. Baltimore and Tampa did the same thing two seasons ago. Doing what the Astros wanted would’ve put the Rangers in

Bubbles? Is that you?


“the idea that girls should read about and understand boys but that boys don’t have to read about girls, that boys aren’t expected to understand and empathize with the female population of the world … this belief directly leads to rape culture.”

I laughed out loud. I’m going to start reading books with female leads

Paul explicitly states that homosexuality(sex) is a sin. Jesus affirms that Marriage is between a man and a woman in the Gospels.

I also think there’s a perception that these guys are just rolling into Texas, jumping in their boats and wandering the land. Far from it.

This is the Gawker Network and these are Southerners. Some of these people are flying confederate flags. Everything they do must be condemned.

Perhaps spending most of my adult life in Appalachia has given me a different perspective (it’s still cool to call someone a hillbilly, you know), but I have seen it many, many times in the media, most recently in the urban reviewers gushing over J.D. Vance’s book, which is half full of shit. Oh, and I don’t watch

You realize that most young children and adolescents don’t make inferences about whose stories are worth telling right? I’m not saying it isn’t possible, but it’s extremely unlikely that your kids will read a Hardy Boys book and think that Nancy Drew is some dumb girl that they aren’t interested in simply because

Can black people work on making their communities better? Can black people work on fathering their children? Can black people stop glorifying crushing xans into lean over black twitter? Can black people stop glorifying violence and gang lifestyle in their music? Can they stop using “Yea well say that shit in Compton”

Frickin Kinja...

I don’t know. A lot of my friends in the national guard are rednecks (meant in a non-negative way). Rednecks love bass fishing and bass boats have very little draft. Not Hell’s Bay Skiff level draft, but still pretty small. Granted, this was in PA and we have lots of rivers. I assume Texas rednecks are more of a

Depends on if National Guardsmen know how to operate boats. More boats are good under people who know how to operate boats in shallow water. That isn’t a common training scenario for the army.