
Jesus Christ, you guys actually put these assholes on the site. Catfish is one of the most reprehensible bits of pop culture to come out in quite some time and it is unbelievable that you gave them the time of day.

Definitely don't agree with this review. This show was everything it set out to be and was the perfect tonic to all the made-by-committee bullshit that hits our screens by the truck load every year.

It really is a fun little flick.

Yeah, this cliffhanger didn't sit well with me. It totally felt like a move made to potentially remove as much of the cast as they wish and not one built out of the narrative. Imagine if that is the last we see of Doc or Addy.

Z Nation is everything one could want in a zombie show and then a bunch of other awesome stuff on top of that.

Giant holes that the zombies can't climb out of that we fill with criminals as bait is a much better idea.

Not by a long shot.

Nic Cage is one of a handful of actors who can give a truly singular performance. No one else could pull off his work in Bad Lieutenant or Vampire's Kiss.

DOA's 'Best Video Game Movie' crown is still safe, I see.

This is maybe the stupidest thing I've heard in ages. Miller left over 'creative differences' with Ryan Reynolds, clearly RR wants as much creative control as he can get.

You are insane.

This movie is bad on a level that most mainstream films never come close to, so in that way it should be treasured.
But it is still a monstrously misguided film, who knew you could make a Dune film where the Fremen were an afterthought? Or one where the messianic figure isn't being criticized? Or where people's

I hate the film but that image alone validates the whole picture.

I think people sometimes forget that this is a job for people and not just an artistic endeavor.

He gets killed by Ann Bowman?! Full circle.

What a boring and pedestrian list, the fact that a piece of crap like BASEketball is put ahead of Rollerball is criminal. And a couple of those aren't even sports.

I would definitely agree that the Hunger Games and Battle Royale are in no way sports, being death matches people are forced into. Death Race fits better…if you consider the event itself a sport(driving a car ain't no sport, dagnabbit).

This man gets it.

I'm going to give this a try based solely on: “Your strength is better expressed in stillness.”

The thing is it is way too early in the show's run for this to be a factor. Changes, either budgetary or because the show's creators see what works and what doesn't, don't just happen overnight. And I may be wrong but I think this show is doing alright by SYFY's standards.