Just like Tua all season and then having to face a defense for the first time last night.
Just like Tua all season and then having to face a defense for the first time last night.
Breaking News: Giants sign Eli Manning to 1 year contract extension
In the Kinja commenting system, stars are given out by two separate and wildly unequal groups: approved commenters, who can be easily read, and the greys, who lurk outside the gates. These are their comments.
We Bears fans do not appreciate this logical, well-informed viewpoint. We prefer to support the Curse of Robbie Gould theory.
Always highlight kick truthers.
This is Gould Kinja.
Welcome to the life of a former Chargers fan. Figures they’ll win the Super Bowl from LA. If that’s not a giant karmic middle finger, I don’t want to know what is.
I think Staley Da Bear is fine, just havin’ another heart attack.
Sports aren’t fun. I don’t know why I waste so much time on this shit.
Let he hasn’t sworn out of frustration while at Dullest Airport cast the first stone
I call bullshit on the intoxication, his regular accent sounds like a badly tuned shortwave radio.
They looked good last night. But long term without Kawhi Leonard, they will struggle to compete.
Speaking as a referee who works this level of basketball, we usually don’t identify the shooter by number to each other as we rotate positions to tell the table who the foul was on and administer the free throws. The official who administers the free throws by throwing the ball to the free thrower is vanishingly…
Co-signed for any Ultimate Warrior interview, too.
Watch literally any interview he did with Randy Savage and marvel at the fact that not only did he never break, he kept the interview from devolving into utter insanity. Rest in peace, an absolute legend.
I say this completely without irony - Mean Gene and Macho Man Randy Savage were one of the greatest all-time comedy duos.
“That’s the first time he’s done that this year.”
Feels awkward handing that a star. Gonna go ahead and do it anyways.
Great job everybody, now hit the showers!
What really offends me here is that Spanish athletes arent even embracing their own country’s history of monstrous anti-Semitism but stealing the Germans’. And you’d think flowy sparkly inquisition robes would be a natural fit for gymmastics.