
"The Shining" does. "Dr. Sleep" takes place predominently in VT (I think), although the climax takes place at the Overlook's old location.

His note on that was quite funny.

Not really. It always did fit into the DT saga simply by having Randall Flagg as the villain.

A prime example is "Bag of Bones," which has a ton of King characters from other works cameoing or mentioned:

With those hands? He might be able to nudge a footstool.

After yesterday, are we sure Ryan isn't trying to find some excuse to cancel?

That is actually a great doomed romance.

It's a very personal movie for Burton and it shows.

I think she's concentrating on motherhood.

"Everything came so close…to never happening at all."

No. She's hideous inside and outside. Lots of fifty year old women look good and not like an albino Crypt Keeper.

Even in marriage he was only 50% lucky. His first wife (Zachary Taylor's daughter) died young.

Davis also had a bad habit of feuding with competent generals like Joe Johnson and P.T. Beauregard while propping up the incompetent Braxton Bragg long past the point of sanity simply because he liked him personally.

Right. Stephen Douglas was the only candidate who actually tried to run in all sections of the country (and as a result, even though he finished second to Lincoln in the popular vote, he won the least number of EV votes).

This skit perpetrates the myth that Conway is attractive as McKinnon and not a dried out meth addict who wandered into aback alley surgeon's and had a facelift botched.

She looked like a racist Gollum.

But he's really bad ay his job, so mockery is the appropriate response.

"Hey, can I be press secretary now?"


More like "eviler" twin, which I previously thought was merely a "Criminal Minds" Reid theory.