
He's been on the show before.

His destruction of convicted felon Dinesh D'Douza a few years ago was awesome.

I don't know about Hitler, but Julius Streicher (the anti-Jew propoganda peddler) was loathed by his fellow Nuremberg defendents, especially the millitary guys like Jodel and Keitel.

That story enhances my belief that Trump may well quit out of childish frustration. Apparently all he likes about the job is getting to use the Oval Office.

His son is an even bigger moron, which is saying something.

Doesn't Downey and Pratt together cause a snark overload and thus an implosion that creates a rip in time and space?

The stupid pumpkin baby is already irked by the perception of him as Bannon's sock puppet. Encourage that rage.

Stop sampling your own product.

Woods is the only reason. Only actor to clearly realize what a piece of shit it was and acted accordingly.

That was not a clip, that was the entire movie.


Demolition Man was a hit, but I think it's become much bigger on DVD.

Dennis Miller as romantic lead. Weird times, the mid-90s.

Not enough Alexandra Daddario in swimwear. Fail.

Every day with the fucking spider.

It's a schtick and we're sticking to it!

Barb's really been ingesting those slug things to get that big.

The Upside Down is not sending their best here. They're sending Demogorgons. They're sending giant spider things. And maybe, just maybe, they'll send us Barb back too.

Your optimism is awesome.

Yep, definite "Mist" feel to the whole thing.