
The stupid pumpkin baby hit majority disapproval in eight days.

Any remaining shred of Spicer's dignity is gone.

I make an exception for Thomas.

I hope for a repeat of the time he eviscerated convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza.

Also, they need the most love.

"Stupid child" is what I call him.

I don't know. Thomas seems lost and much easier to manipulate without his master Scalia.

I thought Bush was bad, but he at least spoke like an adult.

It's inevitable. Judges don't like their integrity questioned.

You give Bannon too much credit. This WH more resembles a royal court with a feckless and stupid monarch surrounded by a bunch of feuding advisors snarling and fighting at each other for the right to manipulate him.

Way to piss off the judiciary even more, stupid child.

Yertle the Turtle comparisons look quaint now.

For me, the fake out ending is what does it. We're led to believe it's all good and Samara is at peaceā€¦and then Watts' creepy kid says, "You weren't supposed to help her," and it's "oh SHIT!"

"I get paid for sitting on my ass and playing with my laptop? DREAM JOB!!!"

Poor Amber Tamblyn.

That's not Noah Wylie who gets killed at the end. Kinda looks like him, though.

My, is Bay getting artistic aspirations again? Did "Pearl Harbor" not teach him he is completely talentless in that regard?

Standard Bay film tagline:

Michael Bay continues his trend of having great actors humiliate themselves for big paychecks.

Lawyers are going to love this presidency. So much to knock down in court.