
Newt, like Rudy and Christie, is just mad he didn't get a post under the stupid child.

Relax and enjoy your porn, patriot!

Tea Party took months to get going. Trump had historically huge demonstrations the day after he took office.

At least Cheney spoke out. Most Republicans seem to have gone into hiding. Media silence.

He doesn't seem happy these days. Kinda realizing this new gig isn't much fun. Plus, he's clearly aware how hated he is, or he wouldn't be lashing out like this.

Good thing is it's temporary. Bad news is, damage is already done.

Trump made yet another big mistake here.

DC's going to be far more crowded on Saturday with the protests.

Okay, a simple "No" would have sufficed.

Winning an Oscar should come with a guarantee that you never have to play Sandler's love interest.

For a brief period in the 90s, he was. But once he was able to fully indulge his passion of not giving a shit, that period quickly terminated.

God and Lucifer are both exercising their right of first refusal.

We'll be fine. Trump may not even last that long.

Also "The Wedding Singer" and "50 First Dates." But nowadays not even Barrymore can save him from his burning desire to not care.

They only could afford two of them, after all.

"Shut up, Smurf fucker, I own you!"
-James Cameron.

Get out.

She's like Eleven in "Stranger Things." But with more of a bloodlust.

Is that Trump's inaguration theme?

Lucky for them Magneto is the baliff.