
I thought that was the main reason people like the Dark Phoenix saga so much, all "Wow, Jean's finally interesting."

Which is why Arya Stark gets so much love.

Even though said boyfriend is Cyclops.

"The Canada Song" by Tom Servo.

This - Toast jelly side down = OH MY GOD THE DEVIL IS HERE!!!

I could not take anything about the movie seriously after that. So stupid.

Surprised neither of these is mentioned:

Precisely. He's at 37% approval even before he takes office. They'll have no choice if this continues.

At least someone who doesn't wet the bed.

Why are they so pissed off…oh, right…

New Fox News hiring rule; every male applicant must undergo chemical castration.

Even in photos, Bea Arthur's expression of disdain is withering.

You mean Mrs. Hopewell.

Also the scene where the Grinch grinning dissolves to Curry's same leer.

Protect Anil Kapoor at all costs!

I found it rather amusing that Joe Pesci had that indecipherable muttering in place of the F-bombs he'd normally be dropping.

"2" is far worse. Really, Harry and Marv should have been killed multiple times over, especially the latter (hit in face multiple times by falling bricks, falling multiple stories onto cement floor, electocuted, bag of cement dropped on head, etc.).

Now I'm imagining Kevin's lines with Tobin Bell's raspy voice.

"2" also has Tim Curry

In no small part because he was a practical effect.