
Anyone who saw "War Games" would never have called Sheedy "plain."

I believe they were dead.

Largely because the former did everything it could to piss on the original and everything people loved about it. Then "Parker Lewis" swooped in to take advantage.

Candy's freeze fram shot at the end of PT & A is one of the best happy/sad expression mixes ever.

I've always loved you.

But again, Wrigley.

Well, Fox at least. Broderick's looked more his age since he started going grey.

Hannity will believe anything as long as you pay him. He's a dutiful whore.

It's funny and awesome and totally Joe Dante.

"I've sentenced boys as young as you to the gas chamber. Didn't want to do it. Felt I owed it to them."

Hail the Truck Farmer! Worship him at the church of your choice!

Yes, yes and hell yes.

All he needs is his faded copy of "Atlas Shrugged."

All 78 million of them!

MST3K will provide his new theme song:

Nice to see Papa Roach cares about their fellow man.

Ah, no. This defeat is a massive cloud over him. No one likes to vote for a loser.

I did.

Loser whines about losing, makes excuses for losing, remains loser.

"I need a drink."