
Even though the most popular Skywalker of them all is the biggest selling point.

Golddang fanboys on my property!

There was actually a character on the "Clone Wars" series called "Wurst Horrible."

Kids, listen to your Uncle Billy. Don't buy drugs. Become a pop star and they give you them for free.

"You BETRAYED ME!!! To lie with an AN-NI-MAL!!!"

"I'm Peter Graves and I'm wondering if you could point me in the direction of an escape route, as I have just robbed a bank and killed two people."

It's a pity it was a financial failure because it spooked Laughton from ever directing again.

What shoot wasn't he drunk at least part of the time?

See also his infatuation with Elvis. (Elvis later used the honorary badge Nixon gave him to smuggle drugs.)

I would have been disappointed if they weren't.

Edwards got Godzilla just right too; as a force of nature like a hurricane or typhoon that you can't stop, just get out of the way and pick up after.

Actually, that did work, because his appearance made the build-up worth it.

Like nothing. He's a con artist. Little folks are rubes to fleece, not waste money on.

Again, he's not lasting long in the job. He doesn't have the stuff for the workload and he can't take the criticism that comes with it. Either he quits, drops dead or the GOP throws him over for Pence, who they'd rather have anyway.

Just mock them. They're idiots and it'll go over their empty little noggins anyway.

That I always figured was the real reason he's never released them.

Trump voters are dumbasses, yes.

This just makes me more convinced he won't last long in the job. Not only does he have no idea how hard it is, he's a thin-skinned baby unable to take the endless mockery and criticism presidents have to take. My guess, he quits before the year is out. Of course then Mike Pence is president, but one problem at a time.

That's what she said.

Aside from that, it does qualify, even with the bittersweet ending. Seriously, that last shot of Candy, it's impossible not to feel a little sad, especially given his early demise. (That and much of that character IS Candy.)