
Arya looking very Stark-like in that shot. It's the fur coat.

She's bleeding out of everywhere!

He's not alone.

"Now and Then?" Eh, given it's the girl "Stand by Me," I can see why parents might nuke it.

Death by Hot Wheels.

What sick bastard thought up THAT double bill?

He was with Kunis for the better part of a decade, so he was doing something right.

That whole scene is so bizarre and out of left field. No wonder Dante promptly spoofed it in "Gremlins 2."

One problem I have with 2 is how much more lethal the traps are. Really, Harry and Marv should have been killed half a dozen times over (especially Marv, who gets electrocuted, falls two stories onto a cement floor, gets hit in the face by multiple falling bricks, etc.).

Hell is a place much like Newark.

"Nice to meet someone educated these days. You quote Dante to most people and they ask if you've seen 'Gremlins.'"

Which is really all you need in hell.

Ah! My neck nearly got broke by that jump cut!

"Oh, I'm afraid the security system will be quite operational when the police arrive."

"I find your lack of maintenance disturbing."

But are they back in POG form?


Because no one wants a van occupied by the cast of "Hobgoblins."

Only the king hasn't got shit on him.

Very. So much so that it's been a hard act for her to follow.