
Of course it's gritty. Middle Ages hygiene sucked.

HBP does really well in depicting life in time of war, i.e. trying to go about like normal while terrible things are happening. There's that horrible moment where it's casually mentioned by the trio that one of their classmates got taken out of class to be told her mother was murdered by Death Eaters. Moments like

Cedric Diggory's death is Rowling saying to the readers, "From here on, the game gets rough."

The grim slog of what may be an impossible task and the effect it has on Harry and friends is very well depicted.

And it's amazingly beautiful too.

Dazed and Confused.

It's either that or Robert's Rebellion that gets the prequel treatment.

"Maybe at Jewel-Osco."

Typical overblown Stone, but Pacino's in full-on "HOO-AH!" mode and the supporting cast is very impressive. This doesn't even mention the likes of James Woods as the underhanded trainer and Aaron Eckhart as the data driven whiz kid assistant aiming to take Pacino's job.

I'm going to bed and try not to think of what my stock portfolio will look like after tomorrow.

He's one of those actors who never has anything bad said about him.

See also his role in "Santa Claus."

Apparently Lithgow has said it's his favorite role. That's saying something.

I thought the scene where Dave speaks to his wife was both touching and creepy.

Another winner, Mr. Harris.

"The same thing happened to me!"

I simply cannot picture that.

Lithgow in "Banzai" is more than just a ham; he's an entire deli.

Reid has said as much. Schumer's been coy.

Oh, he's going to throw her over for Estelle Winwood, just watch.