
I don't recall any either.

Always beware the polite ones.

I had no idea Mike and company did it.

Also found this at my local library. Weird movie, but it definitely has creepy atmosphere to burn.

Clearly yes. And "10 Cloverfield Lane's" success pretty much cemented the franchise.


"Massive best sellers" does not equal automatic "good." See "Twilight" and "Fifty Shades of Gray."

If her looks weren't enough, those eyes of hers complete the picture. She's got Meg Foster eyes.

Also at an age where you don't really understand death. Which just makes it worse to explain that Mom's gone away and not coming back.

How old is their daughter? Not very old, I assume.

I hope that doing the upcoming MST3K season cheered him up a little.

I actually found this at my local library. Not bad and pretty damn dark, but nothing special

Has Bay ever laughed at anything?

By the way, how's his sex life?

Christmas came early!

"If Ghandi stands for one thing, it's revenge."

"Hey boss, it's me…no, I didn't make the sale. Hey, do I get commissions on hourly rentals?"

My favorite is the one where they're held captive by Bela Lugosi from "White Zombie" and he and Gonzo engage in a "who's weirder" contest.

As did I. What Muppet series didn't aim for all ages?

"Dad, why are you so eager to watch this with me?"