If she wins and you do not title the article “Woman Inherits The Earth” I will riot.
If she wins and you do not title the article “Woman Inherits The Earth” I will riot.
Yes, I’ve never really understood the anti-Sansa contingent. She’s always been my favorite character.
Yes, you go, Mini Ned! (the homage to her dad more obvious than ever with the clothing and hairstyle this episode)
“Jesus Christ. I’ve been mentally tortured by two different people, raped, and the best relationship I’ve had has been with Tyrion Lannister who I hated but at least he wasn’t just the worst....and -I’m- the one with the least PTSD? What the fuck is wrong with you people? How am -I- the sane one here?”
I don’t think she was pissed — I think she was kinda freaked out, seeing how Arya can fight, added to the realization the list is real. Maybe a little jealousy because of the respect Lady Tarth* showed Arya.
I loved how partway through the sparring, Brienne realized Arya could kill her, and kicked her into the dirt and then became deadly serious — I also loved the mutual respect between them — warrior women both.
That fight was really perfectly choreographed. Brienne hacking away like a typical Westerosi knight, Arya using her dancing lessons and size/speed/agility, and both of their movements looked totally genuine. Just A+ choreography
I interpreted Sansa’s reaction as: “Hmmm, she’s really deadly. Maybe she actually does have a list of people she’s going to kill. Hmmm....she also said most of the people on the list are already dead... hmmmm... I wonder if she’s a psychopath these days.”
I read it more as impassive than upset. Everyone who keeps saying how wooden Sansa seems forgets that she has not been able to show any real emotion for YEARS. At KL, she was being held captive by her father’s murderers and had to pretend to love Joffrey of all people. She’s been around Littlefinger for ages, and has…
Can we talk about how awesome that scene was? I was smiling the whole time as they were sparring
One of the best scenes the show has done. Although WHY was Sansa so pissed about it?? Is it just the “oh wow she really has changed”? She looked genuinely upset.
6.5 years doesn’t seem long enough for this shit if you ask me.
Please get rid of the hat.
Y’all, this photo is so blurry that you can’t really see this woman/drag queen (I’m really not sure—it was dark and I really don’t want to be an asshole), but every part of her was sparkly, including the hair. She was also well over 6 feet tall. I just wish she had better taste in dinner partners...
Is The Good Fight any good? I’m going to sign up for the online service to see the new Star Trek series. It would be nice to have at least one more show to watch.
The Good Fight on their online service is mostly women with lots of POC, and I think it is the only CBS show I’ve watched this year. I finally lost my Survivor and Big Brother addiction this year.
I’m not feeling Jon and Dany just yet either. I was never fully sold on them hooking it up, but since it seems inevitable, I’m hoping we’ll get to see their relationship evolve.
Wait, you like the Sandsnakes? I always thought they were the weakest part of the show- very one note, weird dialogue (“but you need the bad pussy!”) that doesn’t flow like anyone else’s lines, a plot that makes very little sense (so the people of Dorne are just going to entirely abandon House Martell and allow…