Why is she responsible for her brother’s company one she has no affiliation with whatsoever? Do you have any siblings. I would rather be fed to piranhas than held responsible for my siblings actions or politics. All you can do is control yourself.
Why is she responsible for her brother’s company one she has no affiliation with whatsoever? Do you have any siblings. I would rather be fed to piranhas than held responsible for my siblings actions or politics. All you can do is control yourself.
How dare any of you say this about the human form of the 100 emoji! Kidding. But I am sad about this.
I liked him more when I heard less about him...
If you’re heterosexual, try switching your settings and searching though your own gender.
Yeah no thanks. A liar is a liar is a liar, and just because we share peepee parts doesn’t mean I’m going to join the Sisterhood Of The Flaming Pants.
I can’t believe anyone is calling this human ‘idol,’ regardless of her side eye skills.
If whether or not you like an artist’s work has anything at all to wanting to see him brough down for sexual harassment or abuse of power, you are MISSING THE POINT.
Wow love how quickly people read this frank discussion of how the economics of Hollywood disenfranchise women, and went; “Fuck her she said a mean thing about Faye Dunaway.”
I didn’t see it as a dig, quite the opposite. Faye Dunaway is a fucking legend but she doesn’t have the economic power to match, and the only explanation for that is sexism.
fuck “class”. she’s trying to make real change in the industry. expecting women to be “classy” while they work hard at things is just another way of policing them.
I think that was precisely her point - that a woman who is a goddamn legend, has no real financial power, especially compared to her male contemporaries like Warren Beatty.
She’s not dragging Faye, but rather pointing out how dispossable women are in Hollywood. Faye was huge in the late-60s/70s, was in films that made money, had massive critical acclaim, and an Oscar to boot. Then, she made two films that flopped, and her career was dead. She has tried resurrecting it - even going over…
OMG. Now this is the kind of honesty and speaking truth to power that gets the power structure where it really feels it: in the wallet.
I’d be on your side if he wasn’t wearing a pin that said “Time’s Up”. Don’t wear a pin supporting a cause if you don’t even know what that cause is. And expect to be asked about it.
With the show clearly running too long, did anyone else notice what segment they DROPPED in order to fit their time allotment?
Those posters made me seethe. She might have known. I personally think it’s feasible she didn’t (too high up the food chain) but she wasn’t the abuser and it makes my blood boil when people will find a reason, any reason, to somehow blame women for men’s crimes.
Well, to be fair, should the women / victims be the ones who skip being recognized for their work? I get that they make gobs of money but if any of the female actors were harassed on the job, I just don’t see how demanding that they not show up to the awards enacts any kind of justice.
I think she’s great. But I do find some vegans insufferable - the ones who need to talk about it all the time.
Yes! Katherine is the best name! It’s solid and traditional, but has 50 billion nicknames/alternate spellings so you can totally make it match who you are! As a holder of said name, I use one version professionally, one socially, and one with my ride or die people. (In other words, it’s great for people who…