Yeah, I'm gonna have to call a big BULLSHIT on this story of yours, good try though.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to call a big BULLSHIT on this story of yours, good try though.
no everyone got certificates, so no ones feeling were hurt.
Not only in athletics, we are bring it into the classroom. At the honor assembly we had the students that got all A, made the principal's list, then A's and B's was honor roll, then everyone else got a certificate for "On A Roll", because they attended class. Then there are some schools where they are thinking…
You take and take, you want to call it chivalry, I call it respect. I never in my life hit a girl or a women, that's the way I was raised. Don't really know why you threw that in, are you say that men who were chivalrous were also wife beaters.
Actually it was the sixties, seventies. There was social security, electricity, running water and as far as I remember women could own property.
Sorry, thought you were PaintedTrollop who stated that in his 58 years he never recited the pledge, but I really don't think they are on in the same. My apologies again, that you for your service.
Is that your definition of a troll, I simply stated something that I believe, I gave my opinion, I'm open to discussion, something that is severely lacking in todays society. If that makes me a troll, so be it, I'll hold the title proudly, anything else you want to throw in there, Dumbass. <—— purely my opinion
I pledge to the flag, I gave an oath to uphold the constitution, obviously something you've never had the privilege to do.
And you must be man hater because of the actions of a few. Actually there used to be a lot of us that respected women, opened, held door so the lady could enter first,carry their books or packages, give up our seat on a crowded bus, walk on the outside down the sidewalk, spend a hour with the father prior to the…
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
At least we can agree on one thing, its pretty shitty now.
Really, I don't remember losing a ball game and still getting a trophy because someone didn't want my little feelings hurt. I Don't remember walking into stores with a bunch of my friends and stealing things, don't remember as a teenager walking into a school and shooting people because they picked on me. I really…
Calm down the day will come that we'll be living in the Marxist society that you desire.
And you are a prime example of why there is no respect. It's sad, but I see the police as being a big part of your sons future, as I'm sure they were part of yours. Good luck
You know your not worth it, you want to turn this into a confrontation and I don't want to waste my time on you.
Really this is looking worse every minute, yes growing up we respected women.
Fuck you and the fucking troll part, having another opinion then yours isn't be a troll, its having a fucking opinion. And it isn't rage, it's sadness, it's pity for all the youth of today, I guess there a good reason that some creatures eat their young.
Our nations flag is a hollow gesture, that's what you think, how fucking sad. As far as respect, we used to have respect for our elders, we use to respect women, we use to respect our government, all that is lost because todays youth believe it is all about them, they should be able to take what other people own. …
It doesn't have any to do with rights, it's all about respect. Respect is something that lost on the youth, they don't respect themselves and have nothing but disrespect for older people and those in authority.
While books shouldn't be banned, I wouldn't assign 50 shades of grey to a bunch of 6th graders. That's what this guy was upset about about, a sexually suggestive book was assigned to his daughter.