aj holmes

Aah, come on, you can do better than that, open up that brilliant dumbass mind of yours and really give it to me, or is that what your mommy told you to say.

When are we going to stop making excuses for teenagers that exhibit this behavior. This has been a problem for the last 20 years, we don't want to hurt their feelings, so they can never fail or be disciplined. So now we have this "me" attitude in young adults, that is going to cause major problems in the future.

And that hurts my feelings how?

"but he's lost the right to own that property."

Point is you respected the flag, but not part of the pledge, that's okay.

in order to be popular, wouldn't you have to hang out with them.

So, if "under god' hadn't been included, you'd be okay saying the pledge

If you don't respect them why do you hang with them.

Do you know most people in authority

Why couldn't you stand and leave out the part about god.

here's hoping you have good luck with that

So respecting the flag of your nation is brainwashing and indoctrination. What country do you live in?

OOh that's hurts, in your case they threw the wrong worthless piece of skin away.

Let's see, some times I don't see eye to eye, and a lot of times I don't agree, but I still respect the authority of the office or person.

Funny, is that it, shoot your whole wad on that one, or do you have anything intelligent to comment, come on anything?

You haven't established shit, a real veteran doesn't sit behind a computer and brag about service to his country, So yeah I call bullshit on your little story.

So now I'm traitorous, go fuck yourself, unlike you I don't have to cut and paste my medals.

each child received one award, either principal's list, honor roll or on a roll

Spend a lot of nights curled up with your gallon of ice cream, crying because no one will ask you out?

Wow such an amazing comment out of such an amazing dumbass