It was, but you know, heat of the moment.
It was, but you know, heat of the moment.
I can attest to the fact that every office and classroom at the community college was used, especially the bean bag room.
Gee, the court document I read, stated that All claims were dismissed, the rest of what you say is the usual gibberish I expect out of liberal democrats, so it't not even worth commenting on.
"I can't believe there are still people who think that's all there was to that story! She said and did a whole lot more than say a word thirty years ago. That bitch is a full blown racist."
Gee you would think if all that was true the EEOC and labor board would be all in her shit. Don't see it happening. And the suit by the former employee that made all these accusations, was thrown out by the courts. So the BIGGEST FUCK YOU back to ya.
"But claims of race discrimination by Jackson, who is white, were gutted in the 20-page opinion by U.S. District Court Judge William T. Moore Jr. The judge agreed with lawyers for Deen and Hiers that Jackson has no standing to sue her former employers for what she claims was poor treatment of black workers, regardless…
You know, I'm gonna have to give you the big FUCK YOU. She used the "N" word 30 years ago, get over it. We keep going at the rate we're going with all this "Racist Shit" and "Code Words" we are going to be one fucked up country here shortly. Is that what you want, instead of trying to become "One Nation under God",…
AAAAH, quick let's give thousands of dollars to our lord and savior Al Gore so he can cure Global Warming, oh wait Climate Change.
Thanks have a nice evening.
If I were your friend and you were continuing to carry a stupid grudge, I would tell you"Don't let the door hit you in the ass".
"It's portrayed as glamorous which appeals to many with low self esteem, often inclined to be under-educated."
Oh you're so funny, was that little point the size of your brain?
I call bullshit, anyone else. That picture means nothing, its a well known fact that a politician can be shaking your hand and smiling while stabbing you in the back, twisting the blade. It taught in Politics 101.
Thousands of people walk across the border every year, some carrying pounds of trucks. I even saw the pictures of the car carriers sitting at the border and they were driving cars across into the US. And you seriously believe people that intend to harm the US aren't able to come in. Zero chance based on what tea…
The thing is if you know going into a job, that there is a 100 percent chance you're going to fall off a roof, IT"S YOUR OWN FUCKING FAULT. The people going into cheerleading knowing 100 percent that its a fucked up gig, they even get it in writing, that's not the employers fault. And comparing cheerleaders to the…
"Did you job tell you how to wash your dick, balls, and the crack of your ass? Did you job require you to do 30 UNPAID appearances? Did you job make you do those 30 unpaid appearances, 3 different camps for girls in 3 different cities, golf tournaments, and 8 hour biweekly practice sessions all for no money? Yes? Well…
I was called a MOTHERFUCKER by vaniga, oh dear how will I ever survive, I'm crushed. What will I ever do? I know, go on with life really NOT caring what vaniga thinks or the DUMB ASSERY comment "it" makes. Judging by prior comments "it" made stupidity is golden.
CURVES, who's the dumbass now female turd!
Back at you.
Funny how you use a man giving the finger, couldn't find a female?