Man are you going to get shit for this post, but I agree 100%. Women have their own clubs that don't allow men, but try to open a club that only allow men, and the shit will rain down on you.
Man are you going to get shit for this post, but I agree 100%. Women have their own clubs that don't allow men, but try to open a club that only allow men, and the shit will rain down on you.
I wasn't saying white people don't listen to hip hop, I was pointing out to Jsklaroff37 comment that hip hop was code for black person, that he was full of shit. I'm still trying to figure out this code thing. It seems like the liberal way of calling someone a racist or homophob.
Hey Fucktard, so the white guys aren't on the team because their not starters, I want you to reach down and firmly grab you neck and pull your head out of your ASS. Fucktard, is that code for Jsklaroff37.
Hip hop code for black, hustlers code for black, you need to crawl out from under your rock and face reality, you are being the racist for implying such a thing, not Bill or the coach. Unless you are implying that the white members on the team are black, because no where in the interview did Bill or the coach say that…
Code, what the fuck is this code you idiots talk about, is it like calling someone a racists or homophob because they don't agree with your opinion. It seems like in your fucked up opinion that anything spoken by a conservative or someone that has a different opinion then you is "code". White people don't listen to…
Why would he have to resign, Clinton was getting blow jobs, Kennedy was fucking anything with 2 legs and a hole, oh I get it liberals overlook that kind of thing when the person doing it is a DEMORAT.
Back when, many years ago, the African Americans used to wear stockings on their heads at night to compact the hair so it appeared to be regulation. We all laughed our ass off when during one of our inspections Top pulled out a hair pick and had all the African Americans pick out their hair. There was some…
Ah, Bullshit, but thanks for your service
Willie original interview on CNN, Willie wouldn't complain he knows how the Liberal agenda works.
The original interview was over 5 minutes long the gawker one is 2 minutes long, so they edited it to change the context. Thats not whining thats stating a fact. But I'm sure that doesn't bother you since you condone that type of behavior.
When you present facts on how a party is changing the news to enhance their agenda, which the liberals have been guilty of numerous times, how is that whining.
The orignal interview was 5 and a half minutes long, but in the typical liberal fashion it was edited to fit the liberal agenda. Open your fucking eyes and don't drink the kool aid. You are being fed exactly what they want to feed you by the news media, like Jesebel, its fucking wrong and borders on libelous.
You are going to going to delete everything I say, Who are you the FUCKING LIBERAL POLICE. FUCK YOU AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON.
"To defend the defendant in rape cases is to attack the victim"
When did we lose our sense of humor in this country? Oh I remember when being liberal and absolutely Politically Correct became the "in" thing.
"Chipotle Inc. is warning investors that extreme weather events "associated with global climate change" might eventually affect the availability of some of its ingredients"
What is sad are grocery stores that would rather throw the food away. Mark it down, even below cost and people will buy it.
Almost 2 trillion was earmarked by the government to pay the insurance companies back on the loses they incur.
Like a lot of Americans, you just want to close your eyes and not realize what this law is going to cost you. Come next year Americans are going to get a rude awakening when the insurance companies are gonna go to Uncle Sam and ask for the money they were promised for all the loses they suffered, that is expected to…
Clinton did the same thing when he was prez, fucked over a bunch of guys that 15+ years in.