aj holmes

This is the result of liberal politics. Austin is very democratic and very liberal city. Actions such as this should scare the fuck out of you, but this is the bed you all are creating, so get comfy and embrace it. SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS is rapidly becoming your reality.

Friend of mine sent me a picture of a Veterans day parade in Tennessee and the Confederate flag being carried by a group dressed up like Confederate soldiers. Now before everyone gets their panties in a uproar, the guys were African American.

This does not do anything but cause further tension towards the lgbt community. Was the note mean, did it appear homophobic yeah, but why the fuck do you have to take all these occurrences and push them into the public eye. If someone doesn't agree with your lifestyle, great its their lose. If someone doesn't want

They should be executed in the same manner they executed their victim. No more no less!

Where I live they grow wild in the yard, so every time I mow its a onion fest.

"asking other people to abide by the religious rules you've chosen to live by is ridiculous to me,"

Apples to oranges, but yes to your question, if it their business and want to loose the sale. No one FORCES you to work at a certain business or go to a certain school, it your choose.

Is anyone forcing you to work for those companies? If not why should they, as the owners, provide something that is against their believes. On another point, if you choose to work for the company, what is stopping you to go and pay out of pocket for the any prescription you desire.

He is, but when all the race baiters out there realized he wasn't white, they came out with a new race, "White Hispanic". If we follow those lines of thought, does that make Obama a "White African American"