
I want to understand Cher's twitter but alas, it escapes me.

Amy Schumer tries to hard...

Yeah, you might want to look at the web address for this article.

So you're uncomfortable because she is right?

...are you lost?

Right? "I am 100% against these pro-ana sites, but my body looks like this because I only eat fruit. Buy my book!"

I thought this was caused by rickets?

She hasn't. Mostly, she's just bought new jeans, because isn't that the point of a diet?

fuck tha police?

This is awful. I'm so sorry for his family and friends.

Star Trek IV Hospital Scene:

I've only looked at the picture, but I'm assuming two are theirs, the other girl is the best friend, the boy on the left is the cuter Cory to the daughter's Topanga, and the one on the right is a quirky neighbor.

You're right. Our previous Prime Minister gave an impassioned speech about the then-opposite leader (and now, to my horror, Prime Minister) and his misogynistic views. His reply was 'but I've got two daughters and I'm married to a woman'. It's a common assumption among misogynistic males that associate with females

I can't stop looking at Corey's new nose. That could really take away from the show... distracting me the whole time and all.

Free of genetic disease? They have Joe Francis genes!

I could be wrong, but I just don't see how people that are shopping regularly at Whole Foods are suddenly going to switch to Wallmart just because they're stocking organic products now. Maybe they'll poach some people from Trader Joes or Kroger.

I don't think Letterman's looking back. He's no Leno.

Perhaps you've heard of Queen Latifah?