
I wish they would stop trying to make Jayden Smith happen. It's not working. Unwatchable.

Jesus... it's dating the same guy for 7 years and realizing mid-break up that he is the worst. person. ever.

God dammit, Canadians seem so thoughtful. They are like the ignored middle child who helps everyone get ready in the morning and helps out with homework.

That guy always plays the same character! I like to imagine he's british in real life, no idea why.

We've all been bamboozled.... why are people so hesitant to admit that? Stockholm syndrome?

/Early in the night/

You understood the end? It's been ages since I've watched the show (I saw it in real time) and I only sort of remember everything. Just to make sure...

Just like all clues in Lost... they lead NO WHERE!

Oh baby.... want to sit here next to me and talk about longitudinal epidemiological selection biases?

At four dollars a gallon WHO CAN AFFORD THAT?!?!


Did anyone else read the heading "Courtney Love Found..." and just assumed the next word was "Dead"?

Whoa! I didn't know she was on a reality show! This makes me confused... I usually hate reality show personalities (but "usually" I mean "always")....

Yup, it must be me. Clearly.

You sound like a fucking asshole. Are you like this in real life, or only on the internet?

High fashion often looks often uses models who are undernourished.

I've slept with a girl who was reeeeealy skinny (we were in college and in retrospect, she was probably anorexic but I was to young to get it). I have honestly say running your hand down someones back and feeling the contours of their bones/ribs jutting out of their skin is... fucking horrifying and NOT sexy.

The "...and white" part at the end made me chuckle. Then cry. :-/

"I get fed up with having to deal with the question of why are models thin, that sort of bores me."

I would watch the shit out of that show....