Thanks! I know that one, although I think I only did that once on a Spirit flight back from Vegas when I was broke and sad. I refuse to fly Spirit anymore. It’s just bad mojo all around. ha.
Thanks! I know that one, although I think I only did that once on a Spirit flight back from Vegas when I was broke and sad. I refuse to fly Spirit anymore. It’s just bad mojo all around. ha.
I’m flying Jet Blue...
Elizabeth, I have a hack for ya! Get a bag of individually wrapped chocolate candy (no nuts in case of allergies) or grab a few broad interest magazines and give them to the flight crew when you board. When they come around for drinks during the flight let them know that the bag is behind you and ask them super nicely…
Hey man. We’ve talked travel before so I’ll ask you this. I’m flying out of RSW on one of the last flights of the night on an upcoming thursday. It was the only flight in all of SWFL that didn’t have a stupid layover in Dallas or some other dumb place. Anyway, the airport should be pretty desolate right? I’m hoping at…
He did. What does that have to do with anything?
Every multi-national, multi-billion dollar company gets govt money one way or the other, so I’m not sure exactly what your point is...
I saw the piece. Which is probably why Erin used it today. My neph is paid hourly, so he’s making money 24hrs a day until the job is done.
From what I know, that’s not the case. He mainly moves around cement or other equipment from oil well to oil well that are all Hallys. I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with the Government. I’ll ask him if I remember, but I doubt it’s contract stuff.
I can’t speak about O/O drivers, but my nephew drives for Halliburton and he makes A LOT more than $55K-60k. Depending on weather or other factors, it’s not all that uncommon for him to stay on the clock for days on end, just hanging out at a hotel, waiting for whatever logistical issue to get resolved. It’s actually…
Andy, what if the holiest of fucks are you going on about here? You can’t be serious, right?
They can get fired. They just negotiated severance into it.
Part of me feels that it’s very intentional. Like, they are trying to get fired so they can get the severance pay and healthcare for awhile, while still “sticking it to the man.” There is no rational explanation to turn every article into an op-ed piece other than that.
This is the one of the strangest of Jalopnik takes, and that’s saying something.
First of all, I never said any city gave Pfizer money directly. All taxpayers everywhere gives money every year to Big Pharma in multiple sections of their federal taxes.
I’ll look for more later, but this is a start anyway...
“Pretty sure that never happened. The vaccines didn’t happen under the Defense Production Act.”
You are correct that it was a government contract. However, it was not an ordinary, run of the mill, Boston Dynamics producing whatever they make type of deal.
Thanks again for contributing to the discussion!
I know, I know. I had to take the day off yesterday b/c the HVAC people were here most of the day, so I got more involved in the site.
Thanks for your reply!