
No. See this is wherein the problem lies. There are plenty of rich people that are good humans, there are also plenty of poor people that are good humans. It’s about values. This is common sense.

Thanks for your input!

I’m not trying to argue, I genuinely don’t understand. So, I don’t think you understand what my understanding is of your position.

I’d also presume he is paying both. It’s not like it’s docked smack dab in the middle of South Beach. Boater’s insurance covers the cost of the USCG. Just as one example of a company I have used...

Ok, I’ll reply.

In all honesty, why?

First of all, that thing is awesome. If I lived in Miami, that’s exactly what I’d like to have. There are plenty of safe harbors and inlets to hide in for the next time they get hit with a whopper storm that at least gives the structure a chance.

In the “before times” I’d make sure to take at least 2 trips a year solo. I enjoy it. Makes for a great way to meet the people who live wherever and really experience the town. I realize I’m in the small minority, but I highly recommend it. 

Well, I’m sure it was a fun time! I wouldn’t live in Cali, but it’s a pretty neat place to visit. Hope you got to go the ocean for a sunset.

It’s actually not all that uncommon for people in the Northeast. When I lived there, I’d talk with people who’d mention they had a vacation time coming up and I’d ask where they are going. I’d say that close to 40% said something to the effect of “Why would I go anywhere else?” Not kidding. These were people that make


I had a parakeet that was awesome (a lot of them can be less than ideal). He always pooped in the cage, I’d just leave the cage open during the day and he’d go out for a few laps around the house every once in awhile. When I ate dinner, he’d fly over to the table and just watch, and then fly back to the cage when I

I second the idea of an ATS. Specifically the ATS4. I loved that car. They handling is perfect for all those twisty Parkways, and isn’t a pain in the ass to park. It’s also an unnecessarily good car in the snow.  

The Autopian is going live soon.

Very true that it was fortunate for those people.

I was still on a crapload of pills at the time, ha. I didn’t even realize it until the 10th. Just kept getting spares, I guess.

They did and they will, for sure. The point is that a paradigm shift is coming, and it’s not one based on innovation. Policy is going to define it, rather than actual demand, which is insane. I’m all about a cleaner/greener future, but this is all “forest through the trees” stuff going on right now. It’s not a

It may possibly not make sense in the far future (which I doubt), but I just don’t see prices going down any time in the next 5-6 years, rather they will continue to rise. These companies are not gonna lose the profit margins they are seeing built-in as of now, using the (mostly plausible) reason of supply chain. It

1st: I know that most readers around here shit on the idea of a lease, but it makes sense in this scenario. Whatever that end-of-term value that was written in 35 months or so ago would seem like a really nice price right about now. This leaves 2 good options of either buying it out and flipping it, or strong arming

Here’s the thing though: Imagine being the purchaser of a Putin yacht that he feels was unjustly taken and wants it back....