
I’m not sure whether all this is amusing or depressing. The idea of a “biased” media has been around for decades (if not centuries, if one was so inclined to break down the definition of media), but the self-fulfilling propagation of “echo-chamber” media has really exploded since the internet went public/live.

That’s probably true around here, as well. That’s not really the point, though.

How is embracing Detroit (seeing as it is a major American city and he’s the President of the country) a boomer thing exactly?

Right on, thanks. I am always a fan of a smaller airport. It’s not like RSW is huge or anything (reminds me a lot of SAV, although SAV is much nicer), but still. For instance, I’ll gladly pay more to fly through HPN (White Plains) than JFL/LGA just because of the airport experience, and it ends up as a wash as the

Quick question about Allegiant. How is it? I was debating flying through Punta Gorda instead of RSW, but I was sketchy about it after looking at their website. 

Not specifically, but I’d imagine there is a WIKI on it.

I do remember that Southwest did stick out in my mind. Not sure if it was b/c they were involved or the opposite. I want to say that it was either them or one of the other “budget” carriers that was to be the canary in the coal mine as far as adding baggage fees and the like, effectively testing resistance/hesitancy

Actually, the idea of collusion is not entirely inaccurate. I’m a bit fuzzy on the exact specifics of the class action lawsuit that, at one point I was a named plaintiff but since I couldn’t travel for a deposition (the irony) b/c of work, I was removed as someone that would be eligible for financial reimbursement. At

Not exactly. It just depends on the interlocking. Sometimes they divert to a siding, other times it’s a clear track proceed cab.

I’ve been to that bar. Tinnitus Tuesdays is the day to tie one on. Lots of ladies looking to knuckle-couple.

All I know is that if I have to put on a tie or a jacket to get a meal, I’m not interested anymore. Now, I’m not saying if I want a nice dinner that it’s cool to be surrounded by people still in the same clothes they went to the gym in...actually strike that, I don’t care what anyone wears.

While I’ve had similar meals, it’s just not my thing. I don’t eat stand-alone eggs (I’ve been that way since a kiddo-times), and I gave up seafood a long time ago. I can appreciate the effort and science behind crafting those dishes, and it does take a lot of talent.

“Hand raises are not necessarily purchases, but I do wonder if normal EVs can survive in a post-Tesla market in a way that they couldn’t before they turned from eco-curiosities into the current hot car trend.”

I’m more than willing to accept that it’s Monday and my sleep might be off, but can someone explain what this means? :

Time to fix Dennis’s review (once again):

I wrote (probably too many posts) about it yesterday regarding the taxation issue.

OK. I was responding to three comments at once, so I admit I didn’t thoroughly re-read what you wrote before I responded. My bad.

I’m not gonna sit here and defend people like the Koch’s. They are not nice people. The DeVos family also does some shady stuff, but they basically built half of Grand Rapids, MI. So they have done some sort of good and employ thousands upon thousands.

Well, that is one perspective of it and has it’s arguments of we are just talking about the cost of toothpaste as a percentage of wealth. However, it is “equal and fair” in regards to an across the board, no favoritism involved structure, which you are seemingly advocating. In actuality, this model does accurately

You are correct in that it is not hard math. No argument there.