
Agreed. The tired "Deliverance" style Southern/rural stereotypes have been worn out for decades, but Hollywood can't seem to let them go…

I'm confounded by people insisting that they "decimated" Danny's character because that would mean that he still is 90% the same!

Probably not Veronica Mars, because Greenfield was a named character on that show - a sheriff's deputy with a romantic interest in Veronica.

Trainers hate him!

I think Sansa's comment is at least balanced out by the fact that Bran IS one of the Old Gods now for all intents and purposes and he has accepted his destiny.

1) Littlefinger wouldn't have given Jon command over the Vale forces regardless. 2) Since according to the show, Ramsey (unrealistically) had no idea this huge Vale army was making its way up to Winterfell, they still could have taken the Bolton forces by surprise early on in the battle, catching them in a "pincer

The drowned god didn't get rejected…the Old Gods didn't get rejected…

Yep. Has to be Robert, who would have killed Jon out of vengeance for Rhaegar stealing his girl.

Same actor, just grew a lot since in the three or so seasons since last we saw him.

Having just read The World of Ice and Fire, I side with JimZipCode here. The Vale, surrounded as it is by the Mountains of the Moon, is actually considered to be darn close to impenetrable by a conventional army. The only real road in is guarded by the Bloody Gate, against which many a host has been smashed over the

Or it's character progression because his English is getting better thanks to the Kimmys (Schmidt and Kardashian).

Community had something remarkably similar in "The MacGuffin Institute" that they were trying to get a grant from.

According to, there will, in fact, be a Season 2!

In "Verna," Liz and Kenneth sing "Don't go to bed with a frown" in Liz's office. In "It's Never Too Late For Now" - Pete and Frank's song is played again when Liz and Anders kiss outside the club.

¡La Viuda Negra!

It's from a Monty Python sketch. And I think the original lyrics are "Cuidado, cuidado, cuidado, cuidado, las llamas" but it is a little hard to make out and the sketch's Spanish grammar is not perfect.

UNNNNbreakable! She can fly, dammit!…This female is strong as hell.

I thought this WAS regionals.

-"Sophie Turner will have less people walking up to her…"
"FEWER." -Ghost of Stannis