
I am so ready for some more Wang

I am a son, brother, husband, and father to the women and girls in my life

“For the sake of pre-empting further comments like this:”

Sorry, man! We’ve been trying to include as many people as possible while not repeating a lot of the same challenges, which is...challenging. But the good news is we still have three more, and the rest are pretty general. Oh! And if you have any input for next year’s potential challenge, feel free to email me:

How many times do they have to tell you they don’t start serving lunch until 10:15? Your fault at this point imo

A movie’s version of going on tour.

We will never find out as Bolt won’t be competing in Tokyo.

“Finally, we’ve told you how easy it can be to score a lower rate—all it takes is a phone call.”

FYI since it’s Groupon they mail the cards it’s not digital, also many will get tax applied taking, so if you happen across a $40 digital version, you may as well just spend the few extra cents than go through the hassle of creating a new groupon account.

FYI since it’s Groupon they mail the cards it’s not digital, also many will get tax applied taking, so if you happen

Maybe you should put that in the title. If you just follow the link from the front page, you never see that.

Maybe you should put that in the title. If you just follow the link from the front page, you never see that.

I’m with Tabata. Surely releasing a more polished game is worth waiting a couple more months.

This is a good sign, it shows they care about their game instead of profits and instead of being lazy they’re working so that everyone gets a good experience instead of releasing a literal beta.

Honestly, this is probably fine. there are so many big releases that a little breathing room is welcome.

dude, a parallelogram is 2 dimensional, the PS4 is a parallelepiped.

D.E.M.A.G.O.G.Y. :)

Happens everyday in the Army and nothing happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

genious, anywhere hot, the furries can’t go!

despite the lack of nudity I’m still saying thats NSFW


Abs Crunchum.