‘ofay’ is a good one, shame it never really took off, lol
We were lucky.
A Mixed Girl Who Has Known She Was Black Since The Early Seventies
“To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth.” Voltaire (and Ms. Moon’s great grandmother)
I don’t have much to say other than this: I’ve been there, you’re right, your friends were shitty, and you deserved so much better.
That hairdo and beard are also “unfortunate”.
1.) some of us got white parents :(
2.) not a damn thing, and burnt kitchens
This is a lovely piece. That is all.
As a Gen X’er and pro-legalization person who grew up in DC during the ‘70s-’80s, I just want to say this. “Fuck Nancy Reagan.” That is all.
Encouraging the poor to build more “resilience” is a pacification tool.
Biffy pump/firehose! That way, you get a steady stream and more than one “shot”, so to speak.
Lacking the tools... it brings this memory to mind.
My mom was a nurse who, back in the day, had to explain to a couple that shaking their infant child was as bad, if not worse, than out right striking her. I remember when she came home that day, she said, “They were young and frustrated and stupid, but not malicious,…
Usually I’m all about fuck rich people, but I think there’s room for both appreciation of black kids lucky enough to have access to unfettered expression and your point about poor black people’s kids having bigger fish to fry.
I'll leave this here, because I found it when I was looking up who CONSAD were. http://amptoons.com/blog/2010/11/2…
Best of luck with #2, but I stand in solidarity with you on #1 and #3. I'm 42 and refuse to call myself old so much as non-ironically retro.
I learned on an old Underwood that I kept jabbing my fingers in between the keys by accident. My mom gave it to me because I kept trying to play with it as a kid.
The revolution always gets co-opted. :\
Just you wait until you go from the one you had at 35 to your new 40 year old one.
I'll never be that cute again. *sniff*