
I have a question that never gets answered in all these “Fuck Uber” articles.

Don’t waste your time on the 6. If you want to be in the industry long-term or you want to improve your resume, the 7 is the way to go. It’s more questions for a harder test, but you can do everything a 6 does. A series 6 doesn’t cover stocks. I know you may think you might stay in that role forever, but if you decide

I’m going to be nitpicky with your terminology. Bonds are “safer” than stocks, not “safe”. Companies can still default on the debt or go bankrupt leaving you with $0 for your investment, or pennies on the dollar. Treasuries, i.e. Treasury Bonds, are the safest as they’re backed by the “full faith and credit” of the

What do they expect when they use softball size balls?

Idea also considered, committing to Baylor by ingesting a roofie and ripping off all his clothes.

Correa was sentenced to 46 months in prison for hacking.

Yes, they had it up until about the late 2000s. But do you really expect a politics site to know that?

Sounds like he’s actually going to miss the bottom half.

Jackson runs this team like he’s three joints in and randomly shuffling around the kitchen looking for a cure for some serious munchies.

As a Mariners fan, I’ve always had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that Felix would end up with a Yankees World Series ring.

Why is this such a “gross” deal. If someone is a huge fan of these two players, they’ll want these autographs. If I could have bought Pat Tillman’s autograph for a fair price after he passed away, I definitely would have made the purchase.

Legal question — is “legally drunk” based on the 0.08 BAL in Missouri, where supposedly the contract was written, or on what the limit is in the DR?

A big difference between those three is Odell and Cam throw childish tantrums. Kelce is just a frat-bro douchebag.

Stop using this unoffical concept image. It gets people’s hopes up and just makes them angry. It’s not going to look like this. In all likelihood, it’s going to be a rebadged Everest.

Looks like T-Mobile is...

I highly doubt Trump has ever pulled out.

A shitty article about people complaining about a shitty article.


I saw this so many times and it still irks me when my coworkers talk about this. Don’t pay off a $150k/4% in 10 years when you can save that $150k in retirement at 6% for 25 years. I know it FEELS better to be debt free, but the return on investment is staggering.