Gestapo Librarian

See’s slideshow, clicks back button.
Thanks Jalopnik

I was geeked at first thinking this was The Forever War.

Easy NP, apparently I am an asshole owner as a tune and opening up the exhaust would be a plus to me, not something to fix. Deleting the cat would be a different story.

Probably faster if you loaded it on the tow truck

As CR notes, there are many things that Tesla could’ve done differently to make this impossible. Those measure would include adding a seat sensor


Since this tool is used by law enforcement and prosecution in convicting people, and is now shown to possibly have security holes... I take it there will be a bunch of cases that will need to be re-examined.

Why do you guys put the annoying “Subscribe to our newsletter!” right before the last paragraph? Depending on the article, it makes it seem like the article is either incomplete or inaccurate.

Dude. He wasn’t being literal. “Falling off a truck” has long been a way of protecting a source or covering up for theft.

weird how lining up behind someone who trashed America’s reputation overseas hurts your overseas business trading on America’s reputation.

You like him hitting a crashed driver in unknown condition? Come on, go back to NASCAR and leave F1 alone with this shitty attitude.

It was a pretty major crash and Russell had no way of knowing that Bottas wasn’t injured, and he hit him. Regardless of if you buy Russell’s reasoning for being pissed, that’s inexcusable. I think Russell himself realizes that now and that’s why he apologized. If you’re gonna start shit, ok, but at least wait until

So I didnt see Russell bonking Botas on the head, but that makes Botas’ middle finger much more understandable lol

Tesla is the only car company in the world selling vehicles on the basis of having “Full self Driving” capability, which exists literally nowhere.

Found the cultist! 

This would be a lot more fun with pictures

“She’s on the phone with someone French about some kind of job “


The MCU has always killed “enemies” in Warzones.