Gestapo Librarian


I wish I didn’t fully understand this analogy, but I absolutely do.

They all smell like crayons.

My 6.3 son fits in the back seat, I wouldn’t drive cross country but the back seat is very usable.

Two of your “winners” are a movie whose release date has been a punchline for years

New Mutants will be released at approximately the same time as Half Life 3.

15 years ago I attempted to give them my money for a Buell, and was treated like shit.

I’m a soon to be 36 year old, highly educated professional, already with the full on M endorsement.

Harley said it is trying to appeal to customers of premium-priced brands with limited availability.

I still don’t understand why they’re doing the same thing all over again with Hummer.

I was actually thinking, Nice Car, Crack Price.

JJ Abrams is nothing more than a hipster version of Zak Snyder who hasn’t pissed everyone off by being openly obnoxious.

I was fairly annoyed with the ending, and then end credits...BAD ROBOT.

So, they’re like a kind of Time...Cop...?

If you drew a venn diagram of people bitching about this article, and people protesting stay at home orders...


I honestly only saw it the one time when I was a kid, and I remember it like it was yesterday.

The episode when Shipwreck is losing his mind and people keep melting.

But, its Sony and you cant trust them to do it. That’s the problem.

With enough treats, and basically just making them deal with it because pups are all just 3 year old kids who you sometimes have to force to wear pants.