Gestapo Librarian

Getting into kayaking I quickly realized how intelligent packing and location of food is more important than I ever thought it could be.

I think I’m an example of the problem that H-D has. I’m an Asian-American and I just don’t feel welcome in H-D shops or within the H-D crowd. I suspect (but I don’t know for sure) that other minorities and women feel the same way as well as men who don’t fit a certain “image.”

I’m not really sure I buy your argument here. It sounds more like you are projecting your prejudices upon others to be honest.

As much as we love them, dogs are property under the law so he won’t suffer any consequences based on that.

They know they wont be around to deal with the fallout, but stopping it would create a massive inconvenience for them.

I just have a soft spot for it because I did Rider’s Edge rather than a basic MSF on the advice of a friend’s dad (ex-Harley/now-BMW rider).

10 years ago a Nathan Fillion movie with someone like (I KNOW, I KNOW, KNOW! but hear me out!) McG at the helm would have been perfect.

I liked this episode, but I feel like I might have enjoyed it more if I didn’t know it was the second to last episode. It just felt like it didn’t DO enough to be a penultimate episode.

I’m pretty sure he spied on them during the winter and was supposed to go in undercover, but fell in love with Alexandria and having a life again.

Don’t worry, they’ll still have all the wine, liquor, and beer apps you want because none of those things has ever caused a death...

As a current EE/ID student, I can’t agree with you enough.

Doing so (tossing it in a hole) would protect against shrapnel and the general concussive force by directing it upwards.

Star’d for this incredibly deep cut.

I get on Kotaku this morning only to see Negans fucking face and all I can do is SIGH and think to myself, they’re still dragging him along?

Yeah, I thought it was like some meta commentary on how one generations childhood is rarely anything like the next’s, and lamenting the loss of the way things used to be while attempting to look forward.

They’re not trying to poison the water.

Yeah, I feel like this is a market thing.

No, thats not the case and never was.

(That’s a stretch, but if they redo it, they probably should redo it with women)

At least you got sent down by someone with some clout.