Gestapo Librarian

Those parking lots are rarely paved.

I got banished to the greys for some reason, so I’m not sure if anyone can see this, but I’m pretty sure I know what injury he has because I did something similar playing soccer.

For real.

Man has it really been so long that now only a handful of people here remember that reference?!?!

Very true, as a former addict myself, I understand the need to replace it with something else very well.

Mmmm...hate to break it to you, but he’s no longer with us.

I wonder if this will be enough for Labour to get off their asses and stop with this “Let Brexit happen, blame chaos on Tories, regain power, rule over the irradiated wasteland of the UK” plan that has been doomed to fail from the jump?

Ahhh, the Ash defense.

This is actually about what good examples go for.

Pleading not guilty seems like a bad idea, especially when there’s so much evidence stacked against you.

This is both an awesome quirk, and another rock solid example of that lauded GM Quality.

I need someone to edit A Whole New World over the scene where they have their cute dragon ride.

He needs to blend in so hes not murdered immediately.

I always thought Jamie would be forced to kill Cersei to stop her from doing something horrific in an attempt to maintain power. I’m even more sure now that we have Chekov’s crossbow.

I really want someone to editA Whole New World over a video of that scene.

I maintain that Jamie will kill Cersei with Chekovs crossbow to stop her from doing something horrific closing the Kingslayer loop (as she’s still Queen of the 7 Kingdoms) and restoring his honor because thats the only logical way I can see his character arc ending.


I think she means, “Im super lazy and dont want to have to get a real job.

I think they mean Kylo because I still think his story ends with him rejecting the dark side.