Gestapo Librarian

At first I was like “WTF you talking about? but then I remembered how long ago that actually was.


The Repubs tried in 2015, but caught hell for it and it was funded for the last few years.

This is the correct answer.

Uhh, no. Douglas and El Paso are 90%+ Republican in the last 3 election cycles including voting for Trancredo by a 10k+ votes against Hickenlooper both times. And both overwhelmingly voted for Stapelton. Pueblo was decided by 4k votes (out of 67k total) and 3.5k voted other.

When a person says this with a straight face,

The Colorado bill is still a far cry from progressive laws like California’, which mandates that schools teach comprehensive, inclusive sex education, but at least it’s a start.

That was probably back when he was still going by his real name, Adam Wiles, before he decided to go by Calvin Harris because he wanted people to think he was black...

If you live in an apartment or condo and dont know about ONR you're living you're life incorrectly.

I’d be more concerned for the show if Daryl hadn’t been counting on his naivety, and used it to get information. In the last few seasons I doubt if they would have cared enough to write it that way.

His stupidity is at least believable. He’s a kid who was never out in the world the way Enid and Carl were. He never saw how truly terrible people can be, or why strangers are not to be trusted. Kind of like how Alexandria was when they showed up.

I like the Signers gang, but they did a dumb thing this episode. I completely understand them wanting to find Luke, but going out at night is rarely ever a good idea.

Internal Tory power struggle puts final nail in once great nation’s coffin.”

If it flops it’ll be because it had no marketing budget.

I came back at the beginning of the first half of this season after being away for a year or two. It actually seems like the show might be getting back on track.

Daryls assuming shes gonna try and play him, and hes going to do some typical idiot teenager power of boners shit. Which he is clearly going to do, hence the eavesdropping outside the window.

They realized they might be able to stretch it out into a thing (similarly Flo from Progressive was also only supposed to last for one small campaign but people liked her so...).

A good point a couple of threads have brought up is who actually has title to it?

I thought the movie was well done so I am OK with this.
